Hi, everyone. I'd hoped to be back from my hiatus by now, but
things are impeding my content. Therefore, I present to you: other people's content!
First, freelance writer Amy Cook brings us
The 50 Best Free Online Comic Strips You’ve Never Heard Of. You, my readers, have probably actually heard of a good deal of these, because you are so into webcomics like I am, but there are some sections of interest, including the bits on political comics (both left and right!) and the "Best Free Online Comic Books" section.
Second, an article I encountered at Progressive Boink, titled
Webcomics Suck. In this article, Kyle discusses what he considers creative stagnation in some of the most popular webcomics. As you would expect, it's a highly critical article, but the interesting thing is that while I disagree with many of its points, I still think it brings up some worthwhile considerations.
Finally, The Webcomic Overlook recently
reviewed Superfogeys. In case you've been wondering what someone else--someone who is more exacting of his online comics and less of a raving webcomics fanatic--has to say about Superfogeys, stop by The Webcomics Overlook and read Larry Cruz's review.
When will your regularly scheduled content resume? When indeed.