Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just The First Frame

Just The First Frame is a cool way to find new webcomics. It's an aggregation of the first frame of recently-updated strips--if a frame catches your interest, you simply click through to view the whole comic. The site is maintained and updated by one comic enthusiast, Henry Kuo, who was recently interviewed by Larry "El Santo" Cruz of The Webcomic Overlook. Check it out!


January Rain Comic said...

I've been on the hunt for some good fellow webcomic-ers! Glad to follow the link you provided!

Eoghan said...

Great way to find new comics too! Good find.

Philip said...

It's a really good way of finding great comic artists.

Unknown said...

What The Web....Comic! Cool

Anonymous said...

Thank you this is awesome!

NomisTT said...

Thanks for the link!

Trying to promote Binary Moon.